A Journey into Our World with Autism.

Many who knows me personally often hear about my son Logen. He is well, pretty special. He loves to run, count, and play with his brother. I am incredibly proud to be his mom. Logen has Autism. He was diagnosed about 2 years ago and it's been quite a journey for us. Logen will be turning 4 at the end of this month.

Kelly Parker, a graduate student at Westminster College and also the founder of Parker Time Potions, asked me to tell my story about having a son with autism. I scrambled to think of what I might say. Their are so many emotions and anxieties that really never go away as a mom. Your son is perfect but he also needs help. You can't do it alone and you hate that you have to depend on so many other people and professionals but you also are grateful for the help. You feel like a failure and a go-getter all the time. My story is below in a short video and I hope you as my readers will understand a little more into my life or into the life of a child with autism.

I appreciate all of the support I get from my family, friends, and the community. I feel truly blessed that I can rely on so many people who don't judge me and who have loved Logen for the amazing kid he is.

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