Team Umizoomi Party Ideas

Team Umizoomi Birthday Party

Team Umizoomi Birthday Party.

Ok, confession: I had never heard of team umizoomi until my sister n law said she was going to throw a party for my nephew and she was thinking a team umizoomi theme. lol, I guess that tells you how much I'm out of the kids television loop. We don't have cable or direct tv channels anymore. We just have hulu plus and so beyond pbs kids show, I am clueless. Either way, I looked up some stuff about the show and it does look like a lot of fun. From what I can tell, they love numbers and sports as well. It's colorful and the characters look remind me a lot of nintendo characters. Anyway, here are some thoughts I had for a Team Umizoomi Birthday Party.
I found quite a few number desserts and I think this is the easiest and best way to go about making a team umizoomi birthday cake, cupcakes, or desserts. You can do number shaped cookies, or put number candies onto the top. You can also put a little rainbow confetti to go a long with the theme. Their is a fun number cake below.
number felt toppers by etsy shop.
As far as decorations; I would go with something polka dot, bright colored, confetti themed. This makes it easy because it's summer so you will find lots of decorations and easy cheap great favors at the dollar tree, target, or really any store with a party aisle. Of course, their will be lots of options at a party store like zurchers or party city, but they tend to be a little more expensive.

gift bags by mere thoughts from a mommy of boys.
number cake by Martha stewart

bot umizoomi cupcakes at nick jr. 
                                                 team umizoomi party ideas at delightfully noted

polka dot balloons by polka dot market

for food and snacks at the party, they have a recipe for umizoomi fruit sushi sweets which would be easy and fun. They are made out of fruit roll ups. Pattern snacks on skewers are cool, or bright colored fruit and vegetable platters. number ice cubes in water bottles at the park. Also skittles would be a fun snack.
team umizoomi gift bags by baby baby lemon

team umizoomi glass cups from mere thoughts from a mommy of boys
Now to the activities, I think that you could make origami for a party craft, or geo's shape belt. They also have a scavenger hunt game aviable on the nick jr. website so check out those first. You could have the geo's shape belt made out of felt or even construction paper for next to nothing. And the origami, well you just need paper and to print off the instructions. You could also do musical number chairs and make them really bright colored with numbers on them. You can play music and when the music stops pull out a number from a jar and whoever is sitting on the chair with that number is out and then you continue till the last number is the jar. That could be fun. They have number pinatas all over the place so that could be easy. That makes party favors easy because you just give them a bag and let them take home some candy from the pinata You could also have a bunch of soccor balls, and sports games available to play outside as downtime if you did the party at a park. Last, you could guess how many jelly beans or licorice even are in a jar to add a little fun. It will still stay to the theme of numbers and be bright colored like umizoomi

last I found a bunch of birthday ideas, crafts, activities, and recipes at the team umizoomi nick jr. website. These will probably be the most helpful of all.


Unknown said...

These are great ideas! I have a little umizoomi fan and I found this page. Thanks alot!

Nolan said...

I love how colorful and playful these party ideas are.
