6 weeks.
My little Cruz is 6 weeks. He has become a very smiley and adorable baby. I love having him smile that gummy grin. He's so much more awake, alert, and aware at this point and it's fun to see him growing. He is also getting bigger. He's got some chub now, especially in his face. Jared and I have started calling him "bubba" the last few days off and on. It's mainly because bubba watson won the masters tournament and we decided it's the perfect nickname so he officially has a nickname.
We have two boys that are incredibly different. Cruz is very different from how Logen was but their is one thing that is the same-- THEY BOTH HAVE CRAZY HAIR. Both of my babies hair likes to stick up all over the place. Cruz got out of the bath and his hair was all over the place. lol. so cute.
Cruz got to meet his grandma and grandpa jenkins for the first time this week. You could tell he loved being cuddled and spoiled by them.