Okay who likes laundry? No need to raise your hand because I am sure you are shouting for joy at the idea of running and folding and putting away all of the clothes, and towels, and linens in your house. (Their is lots of sarcasm in my voice in case you can't tell). Organizing the linens is something that drives me crazy!!? Making sure that the towels and washcloths and kids towels and rags and dish towels get all sorted and put into the right place seems like an impossible task. The other problem is that my husband is color blind and so he never sees stains on linens that were once washcloths but have since been turned into rags. He can see basic colors but different shades or tints are hard. When he sorts the laundry (which he does often because he is awesome!), he always gets them put into the wrong place. I decided we needed a better system so....I decided to dye them and organize them by color, but obvious colors that my husband would be able to see. This would be an easy project for those who want kids to help fold laundry or need help with the day to day tasks. Organizing it this way makes it simple.
Kitchen Linens--blue, green, and silver
Master Bath Linens--white and gray
Kids Bath-- striped, polka dot, and hooded
Workout Towels--black
To dye these towels, you will need a box of rit dye, and a washing machine. I put all the rags together in one load and followed the directions on the back of the rit dye. Understand: I had a hard time getting the right shade or color that I wanted. To get this purple color, I used black. I also used a denim blue and still ended up with a light purple which I hated so I didn't use those. If you are set on a certain shade you want, you will need to read rit's color recipes and also test dye something. I decided purple for the rags would be fine. You don't need to dye everything. I use green, blue, and silver for the kitchen and put all of the other kitchen towels that weren't those colors in with the rags to dye purple. The rags made the most sense to dye since they are so many colors and are the hardest for my husband to sort. This organizing project has made my life so much simpler. I love love love it. I know it sounds crazy, but it is the ittle things that make the most difference or at least make my day that much easier. Also, I have a plan for the future too! I have a box down in the laundry room for "future rags". I will just put them there until there are enough to run a load of laundry with a box of rit dye.