Yummy Super Bowl Food Ideas

Only 6 days left until Super Bowl Sunday. I enjoy watching a good football game and my husband loves it. He yells at the TV and shouts in excitement as the team he is rooting for scores a touch down. We enjoys the commercials and this is probably the only time we don't fast forward through them. The game is a big deal to him, but to me--I just love the food. We usually try to eat relatively healthy in this house but on Super Bowl Sunday, bring on the grease! haha, or at least the salsa and dip. My mouth is watering thinking about buffalo wings, and cheesy bread. I love a good salsa dip or even nachos, yum  yum. These are definitely foods that should be eaten every day, but on Super Bowl Sunday, it is all fair game. I have still not decided what I am going to get exactly but I enjoyed searching through ideas on pinterest and polyvore and found some mouth watering, and calorie adding ideas. Sometimes you need some serious comfort food, especially during a cold winter.

I would love to hear from you guys too! what are you doing for super bowl sunday? do you have a recipe you always make! please share below or on my facebook page. 

Yummy Super Bowl Food Ideas

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