Week 3.
This picture is so funny to me of Cruz. His hair is sticking straight up and his tongue is sticking out. Probably not the most charming picture, but definitely the funniest and still adorable.
Also, I added the other picture on the bottom because the challenge this week with taking his photo was getting him to stay sitting up long enough.
Cruz is 3 weeks. I can't believe it. He has become a super good eater which is also why he's growing and growing. I don't know how big he is but I can tell he's gotten bigger. He is also lifting his head and rolling a little, yes I said rolling! He is a strong little guy like his brother.
He loves to cuddle and be held. We have a hard time at night still because he doesn't sleep that well. He enjoys being held all night and refuses to sleep in his bassinet for most of the night. Soon, he will be in his nursery and sleeping through the night though and then I will miss having him with me so I won't complain too much, just no comments about the dark circles around my eyes! lol.
I love his fuzzy hair and his eyes. Jared gave him a bath this week and didn't brush his hair after, when his hair dried, It was sticking straight up like we had rubbed a balloon on his head. lol. It's pretty cute. He has started to follow me with his eyes a lot and I love having him alert and awake.