
Easy Baby Soft Blocks Gift

March Gift: baby soft blocks

For those who don't know, I am highlighting, and making 12 gifts through the year to get you ready for christmas, birthdays, and any gifting occasion. On my sidebar, you can see the other ones that have been showcased. For march, I have decided to show the baby soft blocks I made for our boys. Now, I don't showcasing sewing projects on here hardly ever and that is because, well...I don't sew. I am terrible, one day I hope to be better, but now, it's scary how bad I am. Anyway, I enlisted some other talented woman, namely my sister and grandma. I used scrap fabric that I had around the house and then helped sew them together on the inside. We used stuffing for the inside and this couldn't be simpler. It would be a perfect gift for a baby shower. Also, you could put things like rice, or bells inside so it would be more fun. I wish I had but didn't think of it at the time. This gift will cost you next to nothing. The stuffing I got on clearance for like $2.50 and it was a HUGE bag. I don't feel you need any more than probably .25 worth for 3-4 blocks. The fabric I found were scraps so they were free but since its a small project, you would need very little fabric. This really is a cheap, affordable, and charming gift for those little ones.