
cookie monster inspiration.



well my little guy will be turning 2 at the end of March. He will be having a Cookie Monster Birthday Party. It has been on my mind a lot lately since I will have a newborn and so I've been trying to stay ahead of the game with planning his upcoming celebration. We have decided on a cookie monster theme party. I kept deciding between Sesame street Birthday or Cookie Monster Party. I decided on that because I thought it would be a little more like my Logen and a good Toddler Theme. It also would be easier for me throw. We'll see how it actually turns out...
Logen loves sesame street and he also LOVES COOKIES. lol, here is some of the wonderful inspiration that I will be taking from:

andrews third birthday @ annie eats

sesame street favors @ etsy

sesame street cookie monster printables @ etsy

c is for cookie monster party @ the hostess blog

cookie monster inspired party pom @ etsy

cookie monster invite idea

cookie monster birthday invitation @ etsy.

cookie dough shots @ my computer is my canvas

chocolate chip cookie cake @ martha

cookie monster cookies @ created by diane