
ikea NO SEW fabric stripes

This were simple and we still need to finish them. We purchased fabric at Ikea. They have lots of options. I had been looking everywhere for a red and white striped fabric and was excited to find exactly what I wanted.
We cut and purchased the fabric, and brought it home. We had pre-measured what we would need and cut it to fit the upper area for a curtain as well as the window curtain.

On the area where we cut, you can buy no-sew tape to iron on around the hem or you could purposefully fray it to make it look more  "pirate"--whatever you look best. The first option will last longer but take more work and time. After that just hang the fabric on ikea hooks that I bought a long with a wire rod from Ikea or you can purchase a small thin rod at walmart and hang the hooks on it. Then you don't have to sew the top of the fabric. here is the link to the ikea fabric: sofia fabric 7.99/yard

I am all about NO SEW projects because, well....I don't sew. I am pretty terrible at it. Hope this helps those who are in my same boat.