
Painting the Snow...


painting the snow with watercolors, an easy activity for kids or adults (I had a lot of fun! lol) .this is such an easy and fun activity to do with kids for christmas, & the winter season. I bought my water colors at oriental trading and I filled each color in a translucent water bottle. I then sprayed away on the snow. Don't worry, it's washable!

I bought liquid watercolor paint at oriental trading.  You can also purchase it at amazon. You can also make it a few different ways:
1. you can drop a water color tablet from a simple kids watercolor paint kit and drop the color tablet into water and wait till it melts (just make sure it's washable) and then you will have liquid water color. The only question is how much water....and thats a bit of trial and error.
2. I have used food coloring before for this activity instead of liquid water color however it stains your hands a bit and can be a bit messy to get out of clothing.

either way, after you have your liquid water color, you can pour it into a squirt bottles and spray away. I use a clear water bottle for each color because it's easier to see what color it is and also its simpler but you could switch out colors from one water bottle or you could think of all sorts of ways to paint the snow with it.

THE BIG THING: MAKE SURE IT'S WASHABLE...I don't want you to end up with stained clothes, hands, or much worse so be sure of that.

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